Message from Pastor Roy Snider

I am excited that you have joined us today to listen to our sermons.

We are here to encourage you in your walk with the Lord. As you listen online, pray and ask God's Holy Spirit to speak to your spirit giving you insight and understanding into His Holy Scriptures. It is our desire for you to grow closer to God. Currently we are LIVE Streaming our Sunday services through the Facebook Go Live feature and we will be posting the messages on our website as well. You can check us out on Facebook at Corum Baptist Church.

We as a church, are praying for our nation and our communities during this trying season of life. We know that this too shall pass but as for now believers need to stay connected. It is important that we pray for one another daily and encourage each other several times a week. We are looking into starting an online video conference style Bible study. Be patient and allow me some time to put this all together. If you have an immediate prayer need, please don't hesitate to give to me a call.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." John 1:1-3

We want to encourage you to look to God for peace and understanding during these difficult times. God tells us in His word that we are stay connected to the vine - we are the branches and He is the vine. We need a daily feeding of His word. Then when we face difficult times we can remember His promises and know that He will be with us during these times and help us through them.

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